Периодические издания
ЖМНП — Журнал министерства народного просвещения
АВ — Analecta Bollandiana
BBCS — Bulletin of the Board of Celtic Studies (University of Cardiff, Wales)
CMCS — Cambridge Medieval Celtic Studies
EHR — English Historical Review
EC — Etudes celtiques
RC — Revue celtique
Другие издания
АА SS — Acta Sanctorum qoutquot toto orbe coluntur, vel a catholicis scriptoribus celebrantur ex Latinis et Graecis, aliorumque gentium antiquis monumentis / Ed. I. Bollandus et al. 1 ed. Antwerpiae, 1643 sq., 3 ed. Parisiis, T. I Ianuarii — T. II Novembrii, 1863-1891.
AI — The Annals of Inisfallen (MS Rawlinson B. 503) / Ed. with transl. and indexes by S. Mac Airt. Dublin, 1944, repr. 1988.
AT — The Annals of Tigernach / Ed. W. Stokes // RC. Vol. 16. 1895. P. 375-419; RC. Vol. 17.1896. P. 6-33; 119-263; 337-420; RC. Vol. 18. 1897. P. 9-59, 150-198, 167-303; 374-391.
AU — The Annals of Ulster / Ed. by S. MacAirt and G. MacNiocaill. Dublin, 1983
CHC — MacalisterR. A. S. Corpus inscriptionum insularum Celticarum. Vol. 1, Dublin, 1945.
DIL — Dictionary of the Irish language. Based mainly on Old and Middle Irish materials. Compact ed. Dublin, 1983, repr. 1990.DNB — The Dictionary of National Biography. Founded in 1882 by G. Smith / Ed. by L. Stephen, S. Lee. From the earliest times to 1900. Oxford, 1917.
GNA — Gildas: New approaches / Ed. M. Lapidge, D. Dumville. Woodbridge, 1984 (Studies in Celtic History, V).
LDEBDG — Kerlouegan F. Le De Excidio Britanniae de Gildas: Les destinees de la culture latine dans 1'Ile de Bretagne au Vie siecle. Paris, 1987.
MGH AA — Monumenta Germaniae Historica. Auctores antiquissimi.
MGH SS — Monumenta Germaniae historica. Scriptores.
PG — Patrologiae cursus completus. Series graeca / Ed. J. Migne. Paris, 1857.
PL — Patrologiae cursus completus. Series latina / Ed. J. Migne. Paris, 1844.
PLRE -Jones A. H. M., MartindaleJ. D., Morris D. The Prosopography of the Later Roman Empire. Vol. III. Cambridge, 1971-1980.
RIB — Collingwood R. G., Wright R. P. The Roman inscriptions of Britain. Vol. 1. Inscriptions on stone. Oxford, 1965.
TYP — Trioedd Ynys Prydein. The Welsh Triads / Ed. R. Bromwich. Cardiff, 1961.
VSBG — Vitae Sanctorum Britanniae et Genealogiae/ Ed. A. W. Wade-Evans. Cardiff, 1944.