№ 315

7 марта 1915 г. — Письмо канцелярии Министерства финансов в Третий Политический отдел МИД с приложением изданий и просьбой прислать некоторые издания индийского правительства

Вследствие отношения от 26 января сего года за № 324/о III Общая Канцелярия министра финансов имеет честь препроводить при сем в Третий Политический отдел для Департамента Статистики Индии экземпляр изданий: «Ежегодник Министерства финансов 1914 г.» и «Ежегодник Министерства финансов в 1913 г.», покорнейше прося о содействии к доставлению в обмен в Общую Канцелярию следующих изданий названного Департамента:

1) Report on the Trade of Bengal with Nepal, Tibet, Sikkim and Bhutan for 1912-13. As 14 /2а/.

2) Statistics of British India for 1911-13. Parti. Industrial, including Statistics relating to Factories, Mills, Mines, etc.RI /4а/.[438]

3) Statistics of British India for 1911-12. Part II. Commercial, including Statistics relating to Foreign Trade and Shipping, etc.RI /4а/.

4) Statistics of British India for 1911-12. Part III. Commercial Services, including Statistics relating to Post Office, Railways, Telegraphs etc.RI /4а/.

5) Statistics of British India for 1911-12. Part IV /а/ — Finance and Revenue, including Statistics relating to Paper Currency Coinage, Public Debt, etc.RI /4а/.

6) Statistics of British India for 1911-12. Part IV /b/ — Finance and Revenue, including Statistics relating to Principal Heads of Revenue, Salt, Opium, etc.RI /4а/.

7) Statistics of British India for 1911-12. Part V. Area, Population and Public Health, including Statistics relating to Area, Population, Emigration, Births and Deaths, Vaccination etc.RI /4а/.

8) Statistics of British India for 1911-12. Part VI. Administrative and Judical, including Statistics relating to Administrative Divisions, Civil and Criminal Justice, Registration, Police, Jails, etc. RI /4а/.

9) Statistics of British India for 1911-12. Part VII. Educational, including Statistics relating to Education, Printing Presses and Publications. RI /4а/.

10) Statistics of British India for 1911-12. Part VIII. Local Funds, including Statistics relating to Municipalities, Local Boards and Port Trusts. RI /4а/.

За делопроизводителя

Е. Балабанов.

АВПРИ, ф. 147 Среднеазиатский стол, on. 485, д. 1140, л. 13 и об. Подлинник.